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  • Writer's pictureWildfire Aware

Water, Water Everywhere, But Not a Drop to Drink

Do you ever take for granted the fact that you have access to clean drinking water? It’s easy to forget about how essential this resource is and how lucky we are to have it—but it’s also important to remember that only .003 percent of Earth’s total water is freshwater available for human consumption. That’s why it’s so important to understand the importance of conserving this precious resource.

Where Does All This Water Come From?

The majority of our freshwater comes from groundwater sources that have been accumulated over centuries. This is water that has seeped into the ground from rain and other sources, and can be extracted through wells or springs. There is also surface water, which comes in rivers or streams and is usually collected by dams or reservoirs. Finally, there are glaciers and ice caps that provide freshwater through melting snow runoff and glacial flow.

Why Is Freshwater So Rare?

If you think about it, freshwater makes up such a small percentage of all the water on Earth because most of our planet is covered in saltwater oceans. Even though these bodies of water contain some forms of life, they are not suitable for consuming because they are too salty. When saltwater evaporates, the leftover minerals leave behind high concentrations of salt that can be harmful if consumed by humans.

How Can We Conserve Freshwater?

Now more than ever, it’s important for us to start looking at ways we can conserve this valuable resource so future generations will still have access to clean drinking water. One way we can do this is by using efficient household appliances like low-flow showerheads and toilets. Additionally, reducing our consumption of bottled beverages helps cut down on plastic waste while conserving valuable resources like petroleum used in production as well as energy used in bottling and transporting those drinks. Finally, investing in green infrastructure like rain gardens or permeable pavement helps absorb stormwater runoff instead of letting it wash away precious resources down drains into our waterways.

At the end of the day, understanding what makes up our planet's limited supply of fresh drinking water—and taking steps to conserve it—is key when it comes to preserving this essential resource for generations to come!

It's easy for us take for granted the fact that we have access to clean drinking water; however, only .003% of all the water on earth is freshwater available for human use! That's why it's so important that we make conscious efforts towards conserving this precious resource - from investing in green infrastructure projects like rain gardens and permeable pavement ,to reducing our consumption of plastic bottles - every little bit counts when protecting what little drinkable water remains! Together we can ensure future generations will still have access to clean drinking water!

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